Decoding the trends that continually re-shape our world can be a challenge.
In these stories for the pop-up newsroom El Deadline, reporters in the Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY’s Bilingual Program investigate issues and events affecting the Spanish-speaking communities of New York and beyond.
Each Spring @newmarkjschool's bilingual reporters come together to publish with our pop-up newsroom @eldeadline.
We're excited to share some of our newest work + introduce our team:
— El Deadline (@eldeadline) April 26, 2022
These journalists detail the risks and rewards of using cryptocurrencies for international money transfers and trace the trajectory of first-generation Puerto Rican musicians in the city.
They chronicle how language barriers encourage the spread of false information and catalog the the plague of wage theft in the restaurants.
And they explore how the “wonder pill” that prevents the spread of HIV has not found wide use among vulnerable people in the Latinx community.
Here are their stories:
Money Transfers Via Crypto
By Jesús Chapa Malacara and Sandra López
Pioneering Puerto Rican Musicians
By Ana Teresa Solá and Santiago Flórez
Misinformation Vs. Disinformation
By Anacaona Rodriguez Martinez, Lucy Cabrera and Gustavo Garcia, with support from Univision’s fact-checking platform, El Detector

“dinner” (Doctor Canon via Flickr)
Wage Theft Explained
By Tasha Sandoval and Vita Dadoo
HIV Prevention Falls Short
By Manuel Cuéllar and Juan de Dios Sánchez Jurado