A group of CUNY students and faculty gathered at NYPD headquarters in Lower Manhattan on Wednesday after police arrested nearly 300 pro-Palestinian protesters — including students, staff and faculty — at City College and Columbia campuses Tuesday night.

Students at CUNY Law School said they at came together at 1 Police Plaza to offer support for those who had been arrested, following a nearly weeklong encampment on the City College campus.

“So what we’ve kind of developed as a group of students at the law school, is just some general jail support so that students who have been arrested know that they have lawyers, they have legal rights and they can come to us if they need anything,” said Gabby Aossey, a student at CUNY Law School.

Nationally, the tally of arrests across different campuses in the US has surpassed 2000.

Reporter:  Ana Valdez Saravia

Photographer/Editor:  Jackie Zamora