Young Voters Speak: "I Want Change"
Young voters explain why they voted for Obama or McCain. But mostly Obama.
Young voters explain why they voted for Obama or McCain. But mostly Obama.
Nonvoters worry about registration, the candidates, and government.
Some of the city’s own Joe Six-Packs – the working-class guys on the Bronx's Arthur Avenue – aren’t buying Sarah Palin’s claims that she represents the average American.
"Yo quiero ver el cambio en la economia" "I want to see a change in the eco…
Age: 62 Neighborhood: Highbridge, Bronx Occupation: Retired Telephone Worke…
Age: 42 Neighborhood: 292th Street, Bronx Occupation: T-shirt shop owner …
Age: 37 Neighborhood: South Bronx Occupation: Owner of Cyber Cafe Politi…
Age: 37 Neighborhood: Longwood, Bronx Occupation: Freelance researcher P…